Earthquakes, windstorms, and floods pose serious risks to residents and businesses in Washington State. To prepare for and respond to such events, we formed the Washington Safety Assessment Facility Evaluators (WAsafe) Coalition, a group of volunteer engineers, architects, building officials, building inspectors and other trained professionals who can assist local building officials with assessing buildings for safe occupancy following a natural disaster.
Following a large-scale event, such as a major earthquake, WAsafe volunteers will be deployed at the direction of the Washington Emergency Management Division (EMD) to the local agencies who request assistance with building safety assessments. For a smaller event, WAsafe may respond to requests for assistance from a regional or local emergency management agency.
WAsafe is organized and run by a coalition of professional organizations that trains volunteers and manages volunteer enrollment in the WAserv database. The WAsafe Coalition operates under a Memorandum of Understanding with the Emergency Management Division of the Washington State Military Department. The professional organizations participating in the WAsafe Coalition include: